Calanus finmarchicus

- "Limited edition hand coloured etchings commissioned by SAHFOS (Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science) for the symposium 'Plankton 2011' which celebrated 80 Years of Continuous Plankton Recording - Through SAHFOS the opportunity to study & draw Plankton arose, and my interest, excitement and passion increased as the microscope opened up a whole new world of marine creatures that I had never thought of drawing before. Further details about SAHFOS can be found at"
- "Hover your cursor over the image to 'zoom' in and reveal more detail of the Calanus finmarchicus"
- Calanus finmarchicus Hand Coloured Etching
- Plate Size:125x150mm
- Hand Printed
- Limited Edition of 60
- The Calanus finmarchicus print is supplied mounted in white acid free board, backed and wrapped in cellophane
- See a really interesting video on 'The Importance of Plankton'